Archive for November 2023


President Couey called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.
After prayer and pledge of allegiance by Brother Paige, the lodge was open for transaction of business.
Roll call of Officer’s : 2VP Clamon, and Trustee I Santos were absent and excused.
President Couey opened the meeting for nominations to the board. A motion was made to keep the current board with the exception of Inner Guard.
The Inner Guard position was vacant. Brother Brian Bryan was nominated and accepted.
President Couey made a motion to waive any reports. The motion was accepted..
President Couey gave a sick and distress report. Keep all of our Brothers and Sisters in your prayers..
The birthday draw was held with no winner.
50/50 was held with $67.00 to the winner.
Brother Iverson and crew did a great job on the Thanksgiving dinner.
After closing prayer, President Couey closed the meeting at 1925 hours.
Hope to see you at the December meeting.


John Couey