April 2022

I hope this finds everyone doing well. The lodge held a “social gathering” on April 12th. 
There was not a meeting as Anthony Bordonaro passed away on the 11th.
The lodge served our normal steak, chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs. Brother Gage, Bryan and Brother Hugh Williamson  assisted me in the grilling of the steaks. The weather was nice. Everyone had a good time.
50/50 was held.
The point of contact within the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is Buddy Rudolph and can be reached at CRUDOLPH@teamhcso.com

I can always be contacted at JGCoueyFOP108@aol.com.
Please keep all of our Brothers and Sisters in your prayers.
A Celebration of Life for Anthony Bordonaro was held at the lodge on April 20th
Our next meeting will be May 10th Dinner will be served at 1800, but the lodge is open at 1530.
Hope to see you then.

John Couey

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