President John Couey called the meeting to order at 1925 hrs.
After prayer and pledge of allegiance from Brother Richard Smith, the lodge was open for transaction of regular business.
Roll call of Officers: All present with exception of Vice President-Roger Tosdevine, Inner Guard-Matt Moyer, who were all excused.
Secretary report was waived from last meeting by motion.
The treasurer report was given by Treasurer Bordonaro. The accounts are doing well and we are still paying on the roof repair, but all is looking good.
The chaplain’s report was given. Please keep all of our Brothers and Sisters in your thoughts and prayers.
President Couey again opened up nominations for the 2013/2014 Executive Board. All board members present drew no opposition from the membership present. Your 2013/2014 Executive Board remained.
Birthday draw for July 8- winner $25.00
50/50 drawing was held.
Door prizes given out. Special mention, door prizes purchased by FOPA.
Santa arrived and greeted the children with gifts.
Meeting closed at 2000 hrs.