President Couey called the meeting to order at 1900 hours
After prayer and pledge of allegiance from Brother Paige, the lodge was open for transaction of regular business.
Roll call of Officers: Vice President Tosdevine, Secretary Tiller, Chaplain Smith, Trustee I Santos, Trustee II Bennett and Outer Guard Gage were absent and excused.
The Secretary report was waived from last meeting by motion and was on line.
The Treasurer report was read and accepted by motion.
The chaplain’s report was given. Brother Miller, Sister Miller, Sister Bryant and Brother Smith. Please keep all of our Brothers and Sisters in your thoughts and prayers.
President Couey opened the floor for any member present wishing to run for a board position. A motion was made by Treasurer Bordonaro for the current board remain for the 2019/2020 term as is. The motion was accepted and passed. The current Executive Board will be sworn in at the January 2019 meeting.
Birthday draw was held with no winner.
50/50 drawing was held with $20.00 being paid. The monies were donated back to the lodge.
The Christmas door prizes were given out. There was some nice items again this year. Brother Seibel won the 40” television.
We are back to steaks for dinner.. I hope to see you January 8th at the meeting.
President Couey closed the meeting at 1940 hours.
I wish everyone a safe Holiday and Happy New Year!!!!!!!