At approx 1920 hours the meeting was called to order by President Couey. After the opening pledge and the prayer the meeting was called to order.

Roll call of Officers: All present with the exception of Conductor Francesce who was absent and excused from the meeting.

Under sick and distressed: Sgt. Figuerdo had open heart surgery. Deputy Burton from D4 was involved in a traffic crash. Brother Bruce Woodbury had surgery on his back. Chuck and Amy Phillips daughter passed away. Director Gene Leonard’s son passed away. Please keep all of our brothers and sisters in your prayers.

Under the good of the order, 50/50 was drawn and the door prizes were given out. Special thanks to Uncle Louie for donating the door prizes.

The cooks were thanked for an excellent meal.

After closing prayer President Couey closed the lodge at approx 1950 hours.

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