President John Couey opened the lodge at 1900 hours.

Roll call of Officers: All present with exception of Secretary Tagliarini, and Inner Guard-Matt Moyer and Brother Bennett who were excused.

The meeting included a visit from Santa and gifts were given to the children that were present.

Secretary report was waived from last meeting by motion.

The treasurer report was posted by Treasurer Bordonaro.

The chaplain’s report was given. Richard Dick Rigby passed away

Please keep all of our Brothers and Sisters in your thoughts and prayers.

Birthday draw was held with no winner.

50/50 drawing was held.

Door prizes given out. Since it was the end of the year, special thanks to Rebecca Iverson for shopping for the numerous door prizes that were given out. Special thanks to the FOPA for donating monies to assist in the gifts.

As you know after the meeting, you place your ticket into the red box for the end of the year big prize. Brother Seibel won a nice television.

Closing prayer was given.

Be safe, enjoy the holidays and I hope to see you at the January meeting.

The holiday dinner was served and enjoyed by all.

Meeting closed at 1935 hrs.

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