2nd Vice President Clamon called the meeting to order at 1915 hrs. President Couey was present but was not feeling up to par.
After prayer and pledge of allegiance from Chaplain Smith, the lodge was open for transaction of regular business.
Roll call of Officers: All present with exception of Secretary Tagliarini, Inner Guard-Matt Moyer, Outer Guard Francesce, and Vice President Tosdevine who were excused.
Secretary report was waived from last meeting by motion.
The treasurer report was given by Treasurer Bordonaro. The accounts are doing well and we are still paying on the roof repair. We still need to buy an ice machine instead of paying for repairs on the existing machine.
The chaplain’s report was given. Please keep all of our Brothers and Sisters in your thoughts and prayers.
Hal Wareham and Lucy Gilliam passed away. Captain Steve Launikitis and Master Deputy Chris Davis are still recovering from the accident. Please keep all the Brothers and Sisters in your prayers
Birthday draw was held with no winner.
50/50 drawing was held.
Door prizes given out. Special mention, door prizes purchased by FOPA
Meeting closed at 1945 hrs.
I received a letter from the Quality Inn and Suites in Tallahassee today and I need to gather some information from anyone who wants to attend . I will have the room price the first of next week and would appreciate it if at your next meeting you could get some kind of idea of numbers so I can reserve the rooms. The price is always right and we have to compete with Graduation of FSU and Famu.
Just email me your numbers so I can reserve enough rooms.
Gene Leonard