At approximately 1925 hours President Couey called the meeting to order.

After the Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance the lodge was opened.

President Couey conducted the roll call of Officers all present but Bennet who was excused

Motion made to accept minutes from last meeting made and seconded

Treasurer report given-balance $2983.33

Political candidates were present and spoke to the membership.

Jake Raburn-Florida State Rep District 57

Judge Joelle Ober County Judge

Lyle Roberts for Craig Latimer-Supervisor of Elections

Thanks to cooks was given

Under Sick and distressed……..Megan Couey, daughter of President Couey was in the hospital and is now home all is well.

Birthday drawing was held…………no winner

$96 won in half and half drawing

Celebration for Uncle Louie’s birthday was held………Great time……….

After the closing Prayer, the lodge was closed at 2045 hours.

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