President Couey called the meeting to order at 1900 hours
After prayer and pledge of allegiance from Chaplain Smith, the lodge was open for transaction of regular business.
Roll call of Officers: Secretary Tiller, Outer Guard Gage and Trustee II Bennett were absent and excused.
The Secretaries report was waived from last meeting by motion.
The Treasurers report was given and accepted as read..
The Chaplain’s report was given, Rod Reeder is ill, Sara Mobley, wife of Robert Mobley passed, Brad Otto, Steve Saunders and Michael Dimezza passed. Bruce Woodbury and Don Hunt are still at the Lodges of Idlewild and John Reed is now at the Twinn Creeks Assisted Living. Please keep all of our Brothers and Sisters in your thoughts and prayers. I know we all get busy, but if you can spare a minute for a phone call or in the area to drop by and visit, it would mean a lot.
Birthday draw was held with no winners.
50/50 drawing was held with $40.00 being paid.
Door prizes were given out.
The cooks did an excellent job as usual. Steaks were very good..
I hope to see you at the April 10th meeting.
The meeting was closed at 1940 hours.

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