Meeting Cancelled

September 9, 2017
The September meeting will be canceled.
I am being deployed on Monday night at 1800 hours. Some of our board members are being deployed at 1000 hours this morning with an unknown release time, up to (72) hours. I may not be back for a few days. (72) hours or more.
I have been in contact with Rebecca. It is hard for her to shop for the dinner with stores being empty and the impending storm. We have 1 large can of green beans and 10 pounds of potatoes. I advised her not to buy in advance due to possible power outage.
Our meat supplier may or may not be open as it depends on the water level at his business in conjunction with other factors that may play a part. (power, employees and structure).
Although, I wanted to have a dinner, there are too many risk to our members. Too many unknown factors at this point. I do not feel comfortable in trying to put a dinner/meeting together with a pending hurricane, possible tornadoes, and down power lines which could put our members at risk.
Take care of your home, take care of your family and neighbors. Please be safe as we ride this storm out. Please pass this on to your mail contacts.

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